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These are a few of my favorite comics. Ones that, beleive it or not have actually finished their run and have complete stories in the archive. If you havn't read these yet, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

A God's life - A charming story about godhood and responsibilities.

As if! - Yes, I know there are many comics out there that follow the progress of a freindship. But this is particularly well told and set in the 80's It's particularly fun to look at the weird outfits and laugh at the absurdity of fashion over time.

Boy meets boy - What can I say? More drama but ever so yummy...

Exploitation Now - Hey you didn't expect me to have only drama comics in here did you? Sometimes it's just fun to see people make idiots of themselves in a comic.

Fans! - If you are a fan of anything, with hope and dreams and a slight sense of the absurd, do yourself a favor and read this comic. Yes, I realize it's a subscriber service, but it's such a wonderful piece of storytelling that the little bit of money will be well worth it. Not only that but there are several other comics connected to the same service. It'll be like getting a box of graphic novels for a couple bucks.

Kid Radd - My favorite sprite comic of all time. You need netscape to play it, but it's a very successful endeavor. Except for the few cameos, all of the artwork for the comics is hand drawn. It's completely incredible.

Queen of Wands - How can I ever describe that snarky redhead with any justice?

The Shadows - A nice short story collaboration about a paranormal investigative team. Very well written and drawn.

The class Menagerie - College life in an anthropomorphic world. Just a bunch of insane people forced to live together and get along.

The Makeshift Miracle - Yes, this is another pay comic, but well worth the read. You know it's going to be interesting when a girl falls from the sky and a tree grows in your living room.

Unicorn Jelly - I envy the deep complex world building. Yowza.


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© Mariette S. Rose. Don't steal, stealing is bad and summons thousands of sugar-hyped-pixies to attack the offender.

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